Planning a Hackathon

A lot goes in to planning a Hackathon event. This page contains information detailing what you as a student at MSU Denver could do to help. We are going to be building out a team of volunteers to help us make it happen.

Our Hackathon Wishlist

  • Host students from the Auraria Campus meaning that any student from MSU Denver, CU Denver, or CCD can be involved
  • Host one large annual hackathon, and a series of mini-hackathons throughout an academic year
  • Streamline processes for financing and logistics of future events
  • Make connections with companies and other universities in the Denver Metro for future events
  • Provide students a sense of accomplishing something with a team and give them a space to build out their ideas

How Can I Contribute?

If the list above provides some excitement for things to come, good! We are looking for help in managing all sorts of things: Technology, Finances, Logistics, and Marketing. We will begin to open up a small set of volunteer roles to students interested in applying very soon. Keep an eye out for an announcement in your student emails or on the CS Student Discord